Our Activies
Ministries of the Nandigama church of Christ
We as a church are involved in a lot of projects here in Nandigama area as a part of spreading the Gospel and extending the boundaries of HIS eternal kingdom.
1} Gospel Meetings: Nandigama church of Christ is holding gospel meetings in Nandigama and surrounding areas every month. Due to draught and sever famine in India and poor finances, these days we are not being able to do this great work for the Lord. This has been to be a good tool in bringing people to hear the word of Truth. Every year Nandigama church of Christ conducts annual lectureships and average gathering to these meetings was 500-600 per day. The maximum gathering witnessed was above 1000.
2} Family Bible Studies: brother Mani Anand, brother Devasahayam, and brother Kishore and brother Venkateswara Rao regularly conducts family Bible studies here in Nandigama and surrounding villages. We need tracts, booklets, and Bibles and songs books for distribution during these studies. As it involves lots of traveling by these brethren here, we need your prayers while they travel, preaching and teaching the word of Truth. Any assistance any way is greatly appreciated.
3} Personal Bible Studies: The team of Evangelists here at the Nandigama church of Christ are greatly working to spread the gospel to each and every person in this area as the opportunity comes. We need material and prayers for these Evangelists working day and night for the cause of Christ Jesus our Lord.
4} Audio Cassette ministry: This ministry will be of great value in out reaching. Sermons on audio tapes can be supplied to the blind and can also be sent to hospitals, prisons and can be sent to many houses that the Truth may be revealed. Though this project is yet not started, we hope to start this and reach out to several souls here in this area, Lord's willing. We need huge number of tapes for recording sermons. Please help us with your prayers for this great work for the Lord.
5} “The Counselor” CD ministry:
6 } Video Projector ministry: Through this ministry, we can be able to go to remote tribal villages and many other villages and even to colonies with the word of God. Please pray for this great work for the Lord. And we need sermons, lessons and the Bible on the videotapes for this great work for the Lord. We also need your prayers and encouragement.
7} Prison ministry: Nandigama church of Christ is very regularly involved in visiting prison of Nandigama city. We often distribute fruits, bread and tracts available to the inmates. We need tracts and tapes for distribution here in the prisons. We also need prayers for the inmates to be repented and prayers and encouragement for the Evangelists working with prisons.
8 } Hospital ministry: The team of Evangelists regularly visits the hospitals and clinics praying for the sick, diseased and the crippled. Inviting them to visit with the church of Christ locally and distributing tracts, fruits and bread. We need your prayers for the sick that are fighting with variegated diseases here in India. We also need prayers for the Evangelists working in with the sick, as hospital infections are really on great swing. Please pray for their health and immunity. Please pray as they travel.
9} Preacher training: Training men to preach is one of the most important projects Nandigama church of Christ is conducting. Every month 40-60 students and preachers attend this one-day preacher training classes and Bible training workshops at the Nandigama church of Christ. These students desire to study the word of God in depth. Though we have men to teach classes in depth, we are not having resources to hold the training classes round the year. There are numerous villages and remote tribes where the one true church is not seen. Please pray that this one-day preacher training classes to be conducted round the year.
10 } Medical missions {medical & dental}: Nandigama church of Christ regularly conducts medical missions with the help of brother Mani Anand who is a medical doctor. Few friends of brother Mani Anand, who are dentists, also help us in this work for the Lord. We need doctors and medical faculty to be involved in this project. We also need drugs, equipment and Biblical literature for holding these missions in this part of the world. Please let us know if any medico, a member of the Lord's church visiting India, so that we can use his service to spread the Gospel here. Please pray for the patients who attend these clinics. Please pray for brother Mani Anand, working really hard for the Lord in this area. Please pray for these missions to be fruitful bringing glory to the Lord God.
11 } Ministry to leprosy patients: Leprosy patients are treated untouchables and are socially avoided. These people are living in social stigma. brother Mani Anand being a medical doctor is providing them with drugs from the donors here in India. As they are socially avoided, they can not get a job in the society. They have no earnings for a living. We have witnessed many hunger deaths among the leprosy patients. As we know not what kind of soul they are with, we need to help them and save their lives teaching the whole counsel of God. Right now most of the leprosy patients are living in Government Rehabilitation Centers. But from the January of 2005, they are closing off all the Leprosy Rehabilitation Centers and sending all the patients away for their own living, though this is so sad to hear, we are just helpless right now. Please pray that we might be able to help these poor, socially avoided souls, we can be able to construct a colony for them to live in. This is the most important need for those socially avoided souls. Please pray for them as they are struggling really hard to make a living. Please pray that we might, be able to make a difference in their lives.
12} Ministry to the blind: This project needs great effort from the Evangelist as he has to teach things in Braille {script for the Blind}. brother Mani Anand learned this script to help the Blind in teaching the word of Truth. This project needs a Braille script printer for tracts, booklets and other material for teaching and preaching the word of God to the Blind. And audio tapes can also do great things in this ministry to the Blind. Audio tapes in bulk are needed for this ministry. Please pray that we can be able to spread the Gospel among the Blind. Please pray that this work to be fruitful.
13} Ministry to the deaf: The Deaf also needs to be evangelized. There are many schools for the deaf. brother Mani Anand being learnt the basics of the Sign language for the deaf, is now learning the language completely. There are a lot of deaf in the church in this area. And even in the society. As the sign language is the only source of medium of communication with the deaf, we need sermons and lessons in the sign language. We need to record sermons and lessons in sign language and distribute to the deaf. Please pray for the deaf to be able to know the Truth through the Sign language. Please pray for them. Please pray for this work for extending the boundaries of HIS kingdom.
14} Christian counseling: Nandigama church of Christ is conducting counseling in Marriage, Abortion, Suicide, Teens, Euthanasia, Christian medical ethics, and Christian ethics. Though we have no separate building for this work, we need one. Right now we do this in the church building. We need books, material, audio and video tapes for this work. Please pray for the people who attend the counseling for a better life in Christ Jesus our Lord. This work needs a separate chamber to work in. please pray for this great work for building strong Christian families and individuals.
15} Clean drinking water to the needy: There are a number of villages and remote tribal colonies, which lack clean drinking water. Lot of people are dying due to water borne diseases. Due to poverty people are living in non-hygienic places without proper sanitation. We need to help drill bore wells and water sheds for the people in those villages in need, it certainly will be a blessing to these poor lives and can bring glory to the Father Almighty.
16} Helping Orphans & Widows: Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is to look after orphans and widows in their trouble. Nandigama church of Christ is taking care of many orphans and widows. We are not being able to provide them all the needs for their lives. It's been a hard time for us providing them with food. Orphans need food, clothing, a home to live in, medicines and education Widows need food, clothing, a home to live in and medicines. Nandigama church of Christ is not in a position to continue this effort. We need your prayers to hold this out. Please pray for their health and lives bringing glory to the Lord God.
17} Mission Hospital: Setting up of a mission hospital in Nandigama area is greatly needed. Nandigama town is with above 50,000 residents and more than 100,000 in the nearby villages and tribal colonies but there is only 1 small public clinic with no proper facilities and faculty. People believe, going into that clinic is getting themselves into the shackles of death. And the other General hospital is in Vijayawada, an hour drive from Nandigama. brother Mani Anand right now working in that General Hospital is willing to work for the Lord and help the poor people through the mission hospital. This would be an added fetching to the Lord's work if somebody helps setting up a mission hospital in Nandigama area. Please pray for the poor people and families that are loosing their loved ones in traveling to Vijayawada General Hospital from Nandigama.
18} Help to preachers: Nandigama church of Christ is helping support few preachers here. There are many preachers working for the Lord without being paid. Please pray for their families and lives as they are constantly traveling to preach and teach the word of Truth. Your prayers will be greatly appreciated for the cause of Christ Jesus our Lord.
19} Tracts and Booklets: Tracts and booklets are of great use in preaching and teaching the word of God. We need a lot of tracts and booklets for distribution as we travel knocking doors with Gospel in Nandigama and surrounding villages. Please pray for this work as we continuously working to spread the Gospel.
20} Monthly Bible magazine: Currently Nandigama church of Christ is working on monthly Bible magazine only online. We desire to put that online magazine into print form in English and Telugu languages. For this we need a regular submission of articles and sermons from strong brother in Christ. Please pray that this magazine be printed out for spreading the Gospel to each and every house here in Nandigama area and many other places in India and world.
21} Correspondence course: There are a huge number of people studying secular studies and working that strongly desire to know the word of God. As they cannot go to a Preacher Training School, they can be taught the lessons from the Bible at their own privacy and time. We are glad to say, that many members of the church here are willing to grade the Bible Correspondence Course. Please pray that this work to be started, teaching the whole counsel of God to as many that desires.
22} Bibles & Songs books: The scarcity of Bibles and songs books in our local language is chronic. As church members here are very poor they are unable to afford the Great price of Bibles .The churches of Christ here lack songs books. Though there are songbooks available, almost every song in those books is unscriptural so, we dare not buy them. Please help us get bibles in our local language {Telugu}. And get the scriptural songbooks printed for the churches of Christ here in our area. Please pray that every person can have his/her own Bible to read and learn the word of Truth.
23} Bible call ministry: This project has proven to be great aid in spreading the word of Truth in the United States. Though we are not involved in this work, we desire to do this with the help of the churches of Christ there in the U.S. guiding us in this work for the Lord. Please pray that the Lord God may open doors for us to go ahead to this great for HIS cause.
24} Radio ministry: In India still there are some millions of people that use radio in countrysides and remote villages and tribal colonies. Airing sermons and lessons through the Radio can do things well in reaching the people of those areas with Gospel. Please pray that this ministry to be started again bringing glory to the Lord God.
25} T.V. ministry: As an Estimate 60% or more of Indian population are using T.V sets. It will be a great work if we can be able to air sermons this way. Please pray that this great ministry could be started again reaching millions of houses all over India.
India is called as sub-continent due to its varied cultures and many different religions and different climatic conditions. There are over 5400 religious beliefs in India and some hundreds of denominations. The first and most important aspect in extending the boundaries of HIS eternal kingdom is to sow the seed i.e., to make a person to hear the Word of Truth. Through this ministry we can go into houses {TV} of Hindus, Muslims, Jains, Sikhs, Pharisees, and also many denomination people. And sow the seed there.
26} Online ministry: Nandigama church of Christ has some sermons by faithful servants of the Lord posted on the church website. And we hope to add a lot more in the near future.
27} Primary school: Nandigama church of Christ owns a primary school educating the poor and the orphans. The school is being run in a private leased land. It have no permanent building, equipment, sufficient benches for the students to sit on, no proper roofing and other infrastructure. Last year the palm leaves roofing of the school was burnt to ashes due to electric short circuit on a near by transformer. Thanks be to God it occurred in the night time and no student is in the school. Please pray for this great work of Nandigama church of Christ. brother. Devasahayam, also an Evangelist maintains this school for the church.
Only the saints at the Nandigama church of Christ are financially supporting few of the above projects. Most of the above are being conducted once in a blue moon due to insufficient finances. Though we feel very sorry for not being able to hold all these projects very regularly, right now we are just helpless and we are continuing to do the best within our limited financial resources. Lord's willing; all of these projects may go uninterruptedly for the glory of our Almighty Father in the Heaven.
We need your prayers and encouragement for the work we are doing for extending the boundaries of HIS eternal kingdom here in this part of the world.
I thank you on behalf of the saints at the Nandigama church of Christ for allowing me to share this great work for the Lord we are doing here in this part of the world. I beg all of you to pray for this great work for the Lord to be progressed ahead.
We are praying for you all, your family, and your work for the Lord and the church with you.